If you are performing backup jobs on a Windows 2008 orVista system and have specified Pre and Post job commandsin the Global Options dialog, Arcserve Backup ignores theuser name and password on the Pre/Post tab and executes thecommands even if you enter an invalid user name andpassword combination. Security validation is performed onlyon Windows 2003 or XP systems.
In Citrix 4.5, you must enable Read/Execute privileges onthe Arcserve Backup Home folder to publish the product.
The first job run after you successfully recover theArcserve Backup database appears in the Status Manager withthe same Job ID as the ASDB restore job. This is becausethe Job ID assigned to the ASDB restore job is lost afterthe ASDB is restored successfully.
When run with Microsoft Office 2003, Arcserve Backup JobStatus Manager can experience excessive "handle leaks", toomany open register keys that are no longer in use. Installthe latest Microsoft Office 2003 service pack to avoid thisproblem.
When the Catalog database folder is changed to a long pathname (greater than 140 characters) and backed up, thecatalog files may not be kept in the catalog database andan E3408 error is recorded in the Activity Log.
Client Agent Password Security is only supported for theClient Agent for Windows, including the Arcserve BackupAgent for Open Files and VSS Writers. If Password Securityis enabled and any database, application, or messagingAgent is installed on the same machine as the Client Agent,whole node backup is not supported. System Security is thedefault setting. If you have enabled Password Security onthe Arcserve Backup Primary or Standalone server, theautomatically-generated Database Protection Job will failfor the job queue and Arcserve Catalog Database. You mustnot enable Password Security in the Agent Configuration onany machine running a database, application, or messagingAgent before submitting the job.
The following issues related to SIS (single instancestorage) are known to exist in this release:Files in the \SIS Common Store are normally excluded fromjobs by the registry key, FilesNotToBackup, and should notbe backed up or restored unless they are *.sis files.However:when you perform a remote backup of an entire drive onwhich Single Instance Storage was activated as the backupsource, the job fails and AW0004 is recorded. This isbecause Arcserve Backup is attempting to back up files thatshould have been excluded. Restoring the entire session toits original location also restored files that should havebeen excluded.
when you perform a restore of an entire session, files inthe \SIS Common Store that should not have been backed upare now skipped.
Note: If you select only the \SIS Common Store to back up,excluded files are not backed up, as expected.
FULL Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 X86-X64 HP-Compaq Pre activated
Download: https://shurll.com/2vCMdZ